
Veterans Day

I take my cue from Jimi Hendrix, a veteran.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."

I cannot think of a military conflict (call it war, police action, military intervention - whatever), since the end of WWII where the US had good resons to become involved. Those military conflicts, every one, ended badly - actually, they haven't realled ended. Soldiers are sent tot he DMZ, Vietname will never cease to be a thorn in our national side, US military action has protracted and irritated the situation in the middle ease and Africa, and, I would remind anyone who is considering the cold war an exception that the USSR and the Berlin Wall came apart regardless of military impositions. The communists are still communist, the fascists are not becoming any less so, and the US stands military, under the direction of a demonstrated idiot ready to destroy peace, while wasting national resources; most importantly, human beings who could be building up the world.

The American ideal of creating world peace through diplomatic, economic, technological, and military induced pressure is a lie that we start telling our children at a very young age - it's a story that little kids buy, and think about when they, as young men and women, go to their inductions...

While the demons we have hired to rule us laugh and plot tactical maps projecting body counts and profit margins.

I can thank any individual for doing what she or he believes is right. But, the truth, the innards of the machine look pretty ugly.


Blogger teresa said...

I've begun to take a peek at The Art of War... & becoming more awarious.

Ty ~t

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 1:27:00 AM  

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