

With a burst of speed
from my reeling brain
to the keyes, I push
my need to free
the feelings I get,
when I think of we;
wet, blessed, at rest
and nested against
each other's happy heat.

Words connect and press
through paths that flash
alive behind my eyes;
thoughts masked in hues
of blues, violet, white
yellows, greens, and red,
burst into views of you;
formless, definitive, true;
qualities expressed as neon,
pulsating life; radiant sun,
moon, stars, shining water;
particulate thought wrapped
into geschtaldt harmony.

I want to feel you burst
into my senses; arms, mouth
life, sleep, dreams, home;
the juice of a fuit unknown,
unborne by any tree, but grown
by the power of true love's nurture,
drawn from the well of blissful future
lit from within by spirit nature;
radiating scent; ardor, tempered
and focussed by empathy and humor.

I wish to cover me, inside and through
the pores of my soul, with your words;
and the drops of you that taste of
honey and salt, breathe you; verbs
of warm wine and lilac, your face
swimming in the tears held
in my eyes when I open them,
to look upon forever; a moment,
all years, such lessons embraced;
when age has taken what it will,
and left us to raise our hands in wonder
at how we once were, who we truly are;
childlike in our cares, divine with each other;
and find joy to consider how, drop by drop,
these choices, memories, hopes, and the fire
of our lives have burst, and run together.


Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

mmmmmmmmmmm okay.

sounds like she is on her way!


Friday, June 23, 2006 2:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Saturday, July 01, 2006 4:58:00 AM  

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